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  Managing Customer Satisfaction in the Corporate Hospitals

Managing Customer Satisfaction In The Corporate Hospitals

by Rupesh Goel

  Price : Rs 895.00
  Your Price : Rs 787.60
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  The spirit of managing customer relationships in the relatively less discussed area of corporate healthcare, covering both inpatients and the outpatients, has been portrayed in this book. This work is led by substantial primary and secondary research. Healthcare industry being a part of the Hospitality sector, the focus is increasingly shifting towards customer satisfaction. India has been a story of economic prowess augmented by the service sector including tourism and lately Medical Tourism. The private hospitals are now being marketed as seven/six star luxury facilities for immediate bond with the affluence for that has an extremely close connect with comfort and quality assurance. The book analyses the most leading corporate hospitals in Delhi. The hospitals included are the specialty hospitals with International or national accreditation. The included hospitals are compared on all the relevant customer service and ethics parameters. The healthcare space has witnessed major consolidation through mergers and acquisitions the latest being the merger of Wockhardt and Escorts with Fortis. Fortis is striving hard to emerge as an International destination with eyes on acquisitions abroad – mainly in Singapore, Malaysia, Hong Kong and Thailand while Apollo has interest in Parkway holdings of Singapore. Apollo went into a war against Fortis riding on the back of Khazanah Nasional Berhad of Malaysia. The story is rendered all the more interesting in view of Khazanah being the investment holding arm of Government of Malaysia. This is a compelling story of not only entrepreneurial but also Government interest in the sector. I expect this book to generate great interest among marketing researchers, academics, students and healthcare professionals towards customer satisfaction, relationship building and quality of service offerings. The relationship centric operations of the healthcare institutions can see India leapfrogging the nearest competing countries to boost medical tourism incomes resulting in even better growth in the Services sector. The journey is long and hard but Indian private healthcare system is promising and has a capacity to deliver on a sustained basis.

Pages : 226
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