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  NEW DIRECTIONS IN SOCIOLOGICAL THEORY: Disputes, Discourses and Orientations

New Directions In Sociological Theory: Disputes, Discourses And Orientations

by Ajit Kumar Pandey And Smita Verma

  Price : Rs 995.00
  Your Price : Rs 796.00
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  New Directions in Sociological Theory: Disputes, Discourses and Orientations breaks important new grounds, it makes important connection among the major lines of social thought that for a good long while have called for reconciliation. The authors have drawn strongly not only on the works of positivists but also the ideas of sociologists of knowledge, Frankfurt School, Marxists, ethnomethodologists, postmodernists and cultural theorists. The book also rethinks the tradition of critical theory in relation to subjects it is often accused of ignoring or even being incapable of handling.

The five perspectives discussed in this book contain several points of disagreement with positivism. Throughout the book, the authors have concentrated on the crucial epistemological problem of the relation between sociological theory and the object to which it addresses itself.

The emphasis of the book is on the method and theory in contemporary research and how this reflects movement throughout the sociological spectrum. A group of sociologists look at current sociological paradigms in the light of the concern for increasing world shortage of resources. How can sociology adapt its theories to cope with this new situation? Others debate the approach which develops from the positivist tradition with its emphasis on causality. Further weaknesses of the positivist tradition are highlighted and the new insight brought by sociologists of knowledge and phenomenological perspectives in relation to research practice is considered.

The book stimulates dialogue for a new approach to current sociological theory. Further, a myriad prominent sociological theories have been discussed, which raises concern for issues related to gender and new social movements. It is undoubtedly a new and stimulating approach to current sociological theory.

ISBN - 8131603679

Pages : 296
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