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  The Rules of Work, 2/e

The Rules Of Work, 2/E

by Richard Templar

  Price : Rs 350.00
  Your Price : Rs 287.00
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  Some people are simply great at their job. they glide effortlessly onwards and upwards through all the politics, the backstabbing, the system, and the nonsense that goes on. they always seem to say the right thing; do the right thing. they are mentioned in every conversation. Everybody likes them. They get promoted. they get pay rises. they get on with the boss. And somehow, they do all these things without being unpleasant, breaking much of a sweat or seeming to put in excess effort. And when they are offered another step up the corporate ladder or a fabulous new job, no-one is surprised “ after all, they have ˜potential™ written all over them.

How do they do it? Do they know some secret we don™t? Yes, they know the rules of work. These rules aren™t about how to do your job, day-to-day (we assume you are pretty good at that already). the rules of work are about how you are seen to be doing it “ brilliantly and efficiently of course. they are about how you appear to others “ successful and confident of course. And they are about helping you to achieve the success you richly

Pages : 256
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