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  Financial Performance of Indian Cement Industry

Financial Performance Of Indian Cement Industry

by G. Purushothamachari & G. Haranath

  Price : Rs 895.00
  Your Price : Rs 787.60
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  The ultimate test of the efficiency of any enterprise is its financial performance, in terms of turnover and profits. Both should increase years by year. On the long term, money coming in should always exceed money going out. The difference is profit, which can be increased in two ways: by increasing turnover, or total income, or by reducing total costs, or total expenditure. In practice, both methods be used to the maximum extent possible. But this is not the whole story. Many companies which appear to be operating satisfactory come to grief because they neglect cash flow, the day to day expenditure needed to keep them afloat. It is therefore vital that managers, including those concerned with performance, should acquaint themselves with modern practice in this respect, should understand the language and become familiar with the latest ideas on the subject. As has been shown, the company that runs out of working capital is in dire straits and may founder. Cash is required to pay bills and wages to cover work in progress and for operating costs of all kinds. To ensure that sufficient cash is always available for each purpose. Cement is one of the important products among construction materials. It is an essential commodity required for all modern constructions. All building activities and in a way building of modern civilization itself depends upon the growth of cement industry. Cement industry is considered as one of the basic infrastructure industries for development. It constitutes an important segment for modern industrial economy of India. It is an indigenous industry in which the country is well-endowed with all necessary raw materials, skilled man power, machinery, equipment, technology and know-how.

Pages : 383
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