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  Education For Sustainable Livelihoods In Rural Area

Education For Sustainable Livelihoods In Rural Area

by Yerroju Bhaskaracharyulu

  Price : Rs 1200.00
  Your Price : Rs 1020.00
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  In India, 80 per cent of the population is envisaged in agriculture and its allied fields and the remaining 20 per cent are in the other sectors. All the rural occupations are practiced without any training. To get mastery skill the rural occupants require training. The formal training would help the rural communities in carrying out their occupations in an effective manner. Hence, the need based training or education would promote the rural livelihood and also can make sustainable. The sustainable livelihood would fully depend on the skills, knowledge and information of the groups. To build the human capital for the rural poor and also to improve their potential, awareness training programmes and educational programmes should be organized, health campaigns should also be organized to make the rural people aware and to improve their health. Food security for the rural people would enable them to diversify their activities and undertake innovative activities. When they don t have safety nets, their livelihood becomes insecure. Education and training would enhance the skills and confidence of the rural people. The need of the rural people not met. Hence, there is a need for linking literacy and education for the improvement of skill in livelihood, appropriate changes in the curriculum at different levels might go a long way in arresting the non-participation through the phenomenon of dropping out of a majority of the students at the middle and secondary levels, which is a given reminder that the majority of students do not find the usual kind of education relevant to their lives and livelihood.

In the light of the above, the Department of Adult and Continuing Education, Andhra University, Visakhapatnam organized a 3-day National Seminar/2nd South Zone Conference on the Education for Sustainable Livelihoods in Rural Areas with the collaboration of All India Council for Mass Education and Development during 7-9, January, 2007. This volume consists of some selected significant papers which were compiled and contributed by the eminent, veteran Professor, academicians and the scholars. The papers mainly contributed are considered for publication focused on several themes. The book consists of 44 articles covering the major themes.

I believe that this book will be very much useful for the research scholars and academicians and the articles which were considered for presentation are worth titled and also useful to make the rural people more self-reliant. I hope that the issues emerged through this seminar were discussed mainly and presented in this seminar were discussed mainly and presented in this volume to make the researchers public benefit. I hope that this volume would immensely helpful, and beneficial to the rural people for their sustainable living in rural areas

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