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  China`s Minorities

China`S Minorities

by Mahesh Ranjan Debata

  Price : Rs 995.00
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  Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region (XUAR) on the north western border of China is one of the most important regions of China. In terms of area, XUAR is the largest province of China with Uyghur Muslims as the majority. Uyghur separatists have been demanding an independent state out of China. It is against this backdrop that this book presents a detailed study of ethnic-religious separatism in XUAR. Besides providing a theoretical perpsecitve, the book givesw the historical background of Xinijiang problem and delineates its unique strategic position. The book makes a critical analysis of the Chinese policy towards the minority nationalities of the country in general and Uyghurs in particular. The book examines the Chinese response to separatistis-cum-terrorist activities in Xinjiang since 1949 both at the demestic, regional and international level in order to secure her nationla unity and territorial integrity.
About Author :
Dr. Mahesh Ranjan Debata has done his Ph.D. on Xinjiang at the Central Asian Studies Division, School of International Studies, Jawaharlal Nehru University, New Delhi. As a researcher, he has been working on Xinjiang for the last six years. Currently, he is working as the Sub-Editor of the Quarterly Journal, Himalayan and Central Asian Studies published under the auspices of Himalayan Research & Cultural Foundation, New Delhi.
Contents :
Foreword Preface Acknowledgements Map of Xinjiang Introduction Xinjiang: A Historical-Political Study China`s Minority Nationalities Policy China`s Policy in Xinjiang Since 1949 Ethnic Separatism in Xinjiang China`s Response to Separatims Appendices: Appendix 1 Uyghur Organisations World Wide Appendix 2 Eastern Turkistan Islamic Movement (ETIM) Appendix 3 East Turkistan Liberation Organisation (ETLO) Appendix 4 East Turkistan National Congress (ETNC) Appendix 5 "Why are We Fighting" Appendix 6 "Struggle for the Motherland" Bibliography Index

Pages : 250
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