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  Astrology and Timing of Marriage (Bilingual)

Astrology And Timing Of Marriage (Bilingual)

by Guide & Editor: K.N.Rao

  Price : Rs 200.00
  Your Price : Rs 200.00
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Research on 218 horoscopes, navamshas, using two dasha systems and transit of planets. Need we say more.

The study was conducted on 218 charts . In all the case marriage had taken place and the date of marriage and other has been given along with the result of applying the parameters on the charts.

The results of the research have been tabulated for the parameters from Parameter 1 to Parameter 8.

* Parameter 1: Connection of Vimshottari Mahadasha , Antardasha Lords with Lagna or 7th House or Lagna Lord……………………. Applied to all cases (100%)
* Parameter 2: Chara Antardasha Making a connection with Darakaraka……………..applied to 210 charts (96%).
* Parameter 3: Transits of Jupiter on Vivah Saham (sensitive marriage point in the horoscope)……………….applied to 167 cases (77%)
* Parameter 4: The Saturn and Jupiter activating Lagna, Lagna Lord……………….applied to 186 cases (85%)
* Parameter 5: Lagna Lord and 7th Lord making connection in …………..applied to 214 cases (98%)
* Parameter 6: Jupiter activating natal Venus in male charts and natal ……………….applied to 147 Charts (68%)
* Parameter 7: Sun and or most planets around lagna or 7th house ………..applied to 153 cases (70%)
* Parameter 8: Lagna Lord transiting in/near 7th house………………applied to 128 cases (59%)

Predict accurately the timing of marriage. This research will make your predictions on timing marriage very accurate. There has been no thorough research like this before.

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