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Micro And Smart Systems

by G.K. Ananthasuresh, K.J. Vinoy, S. Gopalakrishnan, K.N. Bhat, V.K. Aatre

  Price : Rs 669.00
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  This book essentially deals with the basics of microsystem technology and is intended principally as a textbook at the undergraduate level; however, it can also be used as background book at the postgraduate level. The book makes an effort to provide an introduction to smart materials and systems. The authors make an attempt to present the material without assuming much prior disciplinary background. The aim of this book is to present adequate modeling details so that readers can appreciate the analysis involved in microsystems (and to some extent, smart systems) and thereby enabling them to get an in-depth understanding about simulation and design. Therefore, the book will also be useful to practicing researchers in all branches of science and engineering, who might be interested in applications where they can use this technology. The book presents adequate details of modeling of microsystems as well as addresses their fabrication and integration. The engineering of practical applications of microsystems are areas for multidisciplinary research, already laden with myriad technological issues. Evidently, books presently available do not address many of these aspects sufficiently well. We believe that this book gives a unified treatment of the necessary concepts under a single title. Anticipating the need for such a technology, the Institute of Smart Structures and Systems (ISSS), an Institute dedicated to promoting the field of smart materials and microsystems, was established. This Institute was not only instrumental in mounting a national program, triggering R&D activities in this field in India but also creating required human resource through training courses and workshops. Furthermore, ISSS also initiated a dialogue with Visvesveraya Technological University (VTU), Belgaum, Karnataka, a conglomerate of over 170 engineering colleges in Karnataka, for introducing a course at the undergraduate level in the area of microsystems and MEMS and for setting in motion drafting potential syllabus for the same. The culmination of this dialogue is this book. Material for this book has been taken from several advanced workshops and short courses conducted by the authors over last three years for faculty and students of VTU. A draft of the preliminary version of book was used by VTU colleges, where a course on microsystems was first introduced in 2009. The current version is modified to incorporate feedback received from teachers of this course, who patiently used the previous draft to teach about 500 students from various colleges. In a sense this book has been class- and student-tested.

Pages : 428
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