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  Mean Chicks, Cliques, and Dirty Tricks

Mean Chicks, Cliques, And Dirty Tricks

by Erika V. Shearin Karres

  Price : Rs 295.00
  Your Price : Rs 265.50
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  Cyber bullying can be worse than being picked on in school. Like when a girl tries real hard to make me feel bad about myself. Doesn`t she know how much that hurts?" -Tanya, 13

Cliques. Snobs. Facebook stalkers. Twitter twits. Gossip. MySpace brats. Name-calling and showing off. Let`s face it-the girl world is tough!

Mean Chicks, Cliques and Dirty Tricks, 2nd Edition is your ultimate survival guide to backstabbers and bullies both in school and online. Girl guru Dr. Erika talked to more than 1,000 teen girls just like you to help you understand what makes mean chicks tick.

She features smart strategies and powerful tools, such as:

· FYI: The real lowdown on the different types of mean-chick behavior-what causes it and what you can do

· Awesome quizzes: Designed to help you figure out where you stand with the mean chicks and how you can make real changes

· Real Answers: Restore kindness and courtesy at you school and online

· Fab fixes: Hey, even a cool chick like you can feel down every now then-these are quick pick-me-ups for the bad day

· Cool quotes: Wit and wisdom from women who fought their battles years ago-and came out on top

Loaded with helpful advice and true stories form girls who fought back against teasing and cyberbullying, Mean Chicks is the only book you need to feel strong, confident and triumphant

Pages : 224
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