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  Tibet in Exile

Tibet In Exile

by Raghu Rai Text By Jane Perkins Foreword By Dalai Lama

  Price : Rs 1999.00
  Your Price : Rs 1559.22
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Tibet has been a land shrouded in medievalism and mysticism for centuries, ruled from the fabled Potala palace by the reincarnation of a god-king, the Dalai Lama. Incredible accounts from the earliest explorers of lamas levitating to change mind and matter, of yogis meditating in mountain caves without sleep or sustenance for years, and of shamans blowing human thighbone horns to stop hail or bring rain have established Tibet in the curious eyes of the outside world as a true-life Himalayan Shangri La. Whether myth or reality, this Tibet no longer exists. With the Chinese communist invasion of 1950 came the end of a unique and timeless culture and lifestyle.

Had the Fourteenth Dalai Lama not escaped to India in 1959, inspiring a hundred thousand of his countrymen to follow him, Tibet would today have disappeared without a trace into the map of China.

This new edition of Tibet in Exile is a photographic record of life for the Dalai Lama and his people in exile. It begins with a new foreword by His Holiness the Dalai Lama, followed by an updated introduction, illustrated with valuable historic photographs, tracing the history and development of Tibet.

ISBN - 9780670083848

Pages : 147
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