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  Walnut in India-Heritage Cultivation & Utilization

Walnut In India-Heritage Cultivation & Utilization

by B.L. Puttoo

  Price : Rs 700.00
  Your Price : Rs 616.00
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  The book is first of its kind in India with an aim to encompass the present level of knowledge generated by various workers engaged in different disciplines in one volume about Walnut. Present day agriculture production has to stand international market standards, quality and competition and walnut being a dry fruit of tremendous demand in both domestic and international market has to face the challange. It is designed to provide basic information to scholars, professionals, students, farmers, orchardists, traders, Agro-industry and house-wives about walnut in totality. The author has extensively analyzed the scientific data published in over 200 papers in various journals and titled them in 23 chapters. The information compiled covers all aspects of walnut culture from heritage to usage, planting, after-care, protection, production, processing, handling, quality parameters, industrial and domestic usage, recipes in a comprehensive manner is praise worthy document that is sure to fill in the gap in our present day knowledge.
ISBN 9788183873628

Pages : 233
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