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  Obstetrics and Gynecology for Postgraduates, Volume 2 (Third Edition)

Obstetrics And Gynecology For Postgraduates, Volume 2 (Third Edition)

by Arulkumaran, Sabaratnam, Gopalan, Sarala & Kumar, Pratap (Eds.)

  Price : Rs 1705.00
  Your Price : Rs 1449.25
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  Obstetrics and Gynecology for Postgraduates: Volume 2 has been popular among postgraduate students, who refer to it as the ‘three author’ book. Volume 2 is devoted to Gynecology. It contains 40 chapters, written by authors, experts in their field, drawn from premier medical institutions in India, Pakistan, Malaysia and the United Kingdom.

There have been startling advances in the field of obstetrics and gynecology since the 1960s, when Ian Donald pioneered the use of ultrasound in obstetrics and gynecology, followed by in vitro fertilisation in the 1970s by Steptoe and Edwards.

Since the last edition, there have been significant developments in terms of new hormones and newer types of operative procedures. Protocols and guidelines have been evolved, resulting in safe practice.

This book enables the reader to keep up with recent advances and current practices. It synthesises recently available, acceptable and appropriate management in different settings. The aim is to enable postgraduates and clinicians to provide the best care in women’s health.

Brought out in a new format, with more pictures, the book has a new lay-out and an easily readable type setting.

ISBN - 9788173716911

Pages : 692
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