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  A Concise History of Science in India

A Concise History Of Science In India

by D M Bose, S N Sen, B V Subbarayappa

  Price : Rs 1945.00
  Your Price : Rs 1653.25
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  A Concise History of Science in India brings together India`s contributions in the field of science that have been very influential in the development of human civilisation. The decimal place value system and the Ayurvedic way of life are just two well-known legacies of this ancient culture. Yet there are only a few books which provide an unbiased and authentic view of this world. One reason for this is that the study of Indian science through the ages involves the complex integration of the knowledge of many languages and diverse scientific disciplines. Through the years, there has been growing interest in this study as an important aspect in understanding man`s interaction with nature, his material life and cultural patterns. The Indian National Science Academy, through its History of Science Board (1958) and the National Commission for the Compilation of History of Sciences in India (1967) renamed in 1989 as the Indian National Commission for History of Science sought further means to stimulate this interest among universities and scholars. The result was the publication of A Concise History of Science in India.
ISBN - 9788173716188

Pages : 980
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