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  Military Leadership for Tomorrow

Military Leadership For Tomorrow

by Jasjit Singh

  Price : Rs 980.00
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  A leader,military,political or in any other profession,is inevitably a lonely person, and yet a successful leader, especially in the military profession, must be a very sensitive person to be able to lead successfully through the motivation, dedication and loyalty of those he leads. In the military profession, of course, this acquires even greater salience since the profession, at onelevel, demands a willingness and readiness to make the supreme sacrifice, and at another, involves victory or defeat of the country that nurtures its military power. According to an american saying, "There are three types ofleaders: those who make things happen, those that watch things happen, and those who wonder what happened" This is why the military needs leaders of the first kind, and who can not only manage and motivate people, but also ideas and concepts forwhich they must acquire knowledge on a broad basis. Modern military power is highly technology oriented and even dominated by it. Current trends indicate that this will increase in future. Contrary to conventional wisdom, this will increase the premium on the quality to the man dealing with the machine at all levels. In the air forces, this would matter even more since "so much will depend on so few". We need strategists at all levels; and the chiefs of the armed forces of 2040 are already in active service. They would have to provide military Professional advice to the Political leadership at crucial times under enormous uncertainties where "actionble" intelligence would not be available, and their own knowledge andexperience would have to guide them. To enablethem to do so successfully, these offers would have to be given broadbased education and knowledge. Above all, Successful military leadership would require very high standards of professional integrity as well as personal integrity-at all levels. This volume brings together eminent experts well versed in the theory and practive of leadership and the knowledge that needs to be available to them. The issues explored in this volume are equally applicable to other professions, Especially in the corporate World.
ISBN 9788187966586

Pages : 210
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