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  Astrology Of Overcoming Cancer

Astrology Of Overcoming Cancer

by Mridula Trivedi

  Price : Rs 850.00
  Your Price : Rs 850.00
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  In the face of near incurability of cancer, medical science today underlines the importance of early diagnosis. By and large we are either ignorant or prone to ignore its early symptoms. But think of a person who has the benefit of an expert astrologer`s prophecy about the likelihood of his vulnerability towards this dreaded disease. He is more likely to be alert and cautious to take prompt and thorough care of the early symptoms as compared to a layman. With the help of astrological consultation in time, the otherwise avoidable sudden shock and damage can be reduced, if not completely eliminated. Apart from this, even when the disease has been contracted, astrology with its spiritual ramifications strengthens the patient to overcome the devastating misery by infusing a deep feeling of solace in him. The book lays emphasis on the correlation between the planets and the diseases known to our sages and cogently places this to the service of man. It concludes, on the basis of a host of actual case studies, that astrology is more useful than any other system of prophecy of diseases. The book embodies a research work based on the study of hundreds of birth charts of cancer patients. This research work is weaved into a well designed pattern in the shape of 27 well researched articles by eminent astrologers that cover various aspects of medical astrology. Amidst the wealth of astrological knowledge, the book presents the time honoured wisdom that what cannot be cured, should be endured or overcome and it is this aspect which makes the human science of astrology more humane.
ISBN - 9788190675123

Pages : 405
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