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  The Family and the Nation

The Family And The Nation

by Acharya Mahapragya, A.P.J. Abdul Kalam

  Price : Rs 250.00
  Your Price : Rs 195.00
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  Only a strong and happy family can lead to the birth of a noble nation`

As we talk of rising economic prosperity and a strong and confident India, this book gently reminds us of the values that make for a truly sustainable society, at the heart of which is the family. For it is not economic growth or military strength alone that will make India strong. Sustainable success comes from values, and these can sustain a society, and a nation, even in times of hardship. The book attempts to express an ideal by which Indian society may prosper, and speaks of how spirituality can help create a noble nation and a better world. It provides a valuable counterpoint to the modern-day emphasis on consumerism and the philosophy of more is better, highlighting the sanctity of the natural world and its great power to evoke human creativity and love.
ISBN - 9788172237217

Pages : 240
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