This encyclopedia is a collection of interpretations of thousands of dreams and dream fragments. The author examined 73 different dream dictionaries and countless other books dealing with dreams and their meanings-from ancient sources such as the Bible, Ancient Egypt, the Middle Ages, and up to modern books such as Freud and Jung`s theories and interpretations of dreams.
This impressive encyclopedia is unique in that it both interprets the dream and relates to dreams as an important tool to access and understand the entire consciousness and personality of the dreamer.
This encyclopedia provides a broad analysis of each and every entry so that you can pinpoint a more exact meaning of your dream. For example, if your dream is about a dog, you can find detailed explanations about that-a pack of dogs, a guide dog, color and size, bared teeth, and so on-thus helping you understand your dream better. ISBN : 8178223481, 9788178223483
Pages : 1033