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  Flash Cards

Flash Cards

by Na

  Price : Rs 550.00
  Your Price : Rs 550.00
In Stock
  * 4200 Flash Cards
* 200 plus blank cards for self practice
* Pronunciation of each word added
* 323 new words added

What Inside this pack?

* A word printed on the front side
* Sample sentence(s) using the word on the back side
* Part of speech(s) of the word on the back side
* Synonym(s) of the word on the back side
* Antonym(s) of the word on the back side
* 4000 Vocabulary Cards
* Blank Cards for Self Prep
* Easy carrying box for every set
* High frequency words marked
* Pronunciation of each word added

"FLASH CARDS are an important initial step towards mastering difficult vocabulary words that appear on the GRE, SAT, GMAT, CAT etc. This product was designed from the ground up to target these tests. It is packed with 3843 testworthy words those that only students with an educated vocabulary are likely to know. These are the words that the test - designers love to include on competitive exams- especially in exam questions involving SYNONYMS, ANTONYMS, and ANALOGIES that test vocabulary directly.

How to get most out of this product:

Memorizing the flash cards: Carry a few of these flash cards daily with you. Look at them when you travel from your home to college and vice-versa or sitting idle. Work in short bursts. Try going through 10 to 15 flash cards at a time, shuffling through them quickly so that you can build your rapid sight recognition of the words. You want these words, their synonyms and antonyms to spring to your mind instantaneously.

Test your memory: Don`t look at the back of the card as much as possible. Go through your set of 10 to 15 cards several times a day. Then, when you have mastered around 5 to 7 of the cards, set those cards aside and add the same number of new cards to your working pile. That way you will be working with a limited group, but you won`t be wasting time reviewing words you have already known or mastered.
ISBN - 8190202626

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