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  Taming the Lion : 100 Secret Strategies for Investing

Taming The Lion : 100 Secret Strategies For Investing

by Richard Farleigh

  Price : Rs 395.00
  Your Price : Rs 395.00
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  A millionaire reveals how he made his millions in the market

Who is Richard Farleigh and why what he has to say may be important for you? For one thing, from being a diagnozed as backward at the age of 5, Farleigh went on to become a wealthy millionaire who could afford to retire to Monaco by the age of 34.

This book reveals the 100 secret investing strategies that enabled him to outperform the market on a regular basis. Farleigh`s strategies grew out of his experience as a trader and hedge fund manager when he set out to develop a repeatable methodology based on first principles. Years later, he is still using the same approach.

This book reveals those secrets, based on Farleigh`s often controversial beliefs, including:


Markets tend to under-react, not over-react.

Big, obvious ideas offer great opportunities.

It is safe to invest with a consensus view.

Contrarian trading is usually irrational.

It is best to enter and exit the share market at the right times instead of always staying invested.

Price trends are well known but under-utilised.

Chartists are just astrologers.

Investment and trading are increasingly similar.

To be a successful investor, says Farleigh, you need to be like a lion tamer. The lion can be tamed, but only by maintaining a healthy fear of the lion. How you can tame the market-lion makes for an utterly fascinating and readable book.
ISBN - 8170947162

Pages : 232
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