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  Marketing Management and Trade Policy

Marketing Management And Trade Policy

by P. Arunachalam

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  All these changes have been very much affected or paralyzed to a larger extent due to the recent global economic recession 2008. There are two meltdowns which have created a panic and fear among the entire human beings. If one talked with an environmentalist he would be very much worried about the meltdown of millions of year’s old ice in the Arctic and Antarctica regions due to recent emission of toxic gases and other environmental degradation done by anthropogenic activities. Polar Ice caps hold most of the water available on the water available on the planet frozen, but if water melts then it will be a disaster for everyone, animals and human alike. Sea level rise due to melting will spell destruction for everyone living in coastal areas worldwide. If temperature climbed a few degrees, as most climate scientists now considered likely, the sea level would rise simply because water expands when heated. This is almost the only thing about change that can be calculated directly from basic physics. The additional effects of glacier melting are highly uncertain. The rough best guess for the total rise in the 21st century was perhaps half a meter. While such a rise will not be a world disaster, by the late 21st century it will bring significant everyday problems, and occasional storm-surge catastrophes, to populous coastal from New Orleans to Bangladesh. More likely than not, low-lying areas where tens of millions of people live will be obliterated. Entire island nations are at risk. Then will get worse. Even if humanity controls greenhouse emissions enough to halt global warming, the heat already in the air will work its way gradually deeper into the oceans, so the tides will continue to creep higher, century after century. So every possible effort must be done and every possible step must be taken to stop global warming and reduce the anthropogenic activities to stop global warming and reduce the anthropogenic activities that are effecting our environment. On the other hand if you talked with social scientists, nowadays, they are much are very worried about the ongoing global economic recession started from December 2007. It first started in the Wall Street America, then spread to European countries and to emerging economies like Russia, China, Indian, Brazil and finally for the global economic meltdown with same meaning liked global financial crisis, American financial crisis, American economic downturn etc. Why the present crisis is of great importance for us? It is the second longest recession world economic history has seen after the great depression lasted for 43 months from 1929 to 1933. But its effect was felt up to 1939.
ISBN 9788183873512

Pages : 307
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