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  The Theroy and Practice of International Law

The Theroy And Practice Of International Law

by Abdul Ghafur Hamind & Khin Maung Sein

  Price : Rs 900.00
  Your Price : Rs 792.00
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  We have to admin that international law is not is not a perfect system and that there are weaknesses in the international legal system, in particular in terms of enforcement. Still the overwhelming majority of states normally comply with international law. There is indeed one exceptional area where states tend to flout the law, that is, the regulation of the use of force is the one area where national interests are at stake and where power matters interests are at stake and where power matters. Apart from this, the general tend is that States observe rules of international law. To have a clearer picture of the current tend of the international legal order, we need to evaluate both the theoretical law. This is the main object of international law. This is the main objective of the book, which is a collection of research papers ranging form the basic conception of the international legal personality to jus ad bellum, jus in bello, software piracy, the regulation of international trade, and the protection of human rights.
ISBN : 9788183872928


Pages : 280
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