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Analyse Your Date Of Birth

by R.K. Baqaya

  Price : Rs 295.00
  Your Price : Rs 241.90
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  From the very dawn of humanity, humans have always been curious about their future. And so Numerology, Western Astrology and Chinese Astrology as three distinct studies evolved. Analyse your Date of Birth synthesises all three to help you predict accurately a person’s character, behaviour and even his / her future.
Numerology is the study of the occult meanings of numbers, that set of numbers associated with the date of your birth or letters of your name, and their influence on human life. This book analyses the date of birth according to Numerology.
People have since early days looked to the heavens and the planets for guidance. This resulted in the study of planets, their movement, their position during the birth of a person and their effect on humans. This study was called Astrology. The author has used Western Astrology to analyse the month a person was born in.
And finally the year a person in born is analysed according to Chinese Astrology. In Chinese Astrology twelve of the animal signs are allotted to each of the twelve years constituting the smaller cycle of the Chinese Zodiac. According to Chinese legend it was Lord Buddha who rewarded every animal who came to him just before he departed from Earth, by naming a year after it.
This book is a detailed study of the occult sciences, and brings to you a novel method to predict your future.
ISBN 9788129110626

Pages : 240
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