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  Invisible City : The Hidden Monuments of Delhi

Invisible City : The Hidden Monuments Of Delhi

by Rakhshanda Jalil

  Price : Rs 695.00
  Your Price : Rs 625.50
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  I asked my soul, what is Delhi?
She replied: The world is the body
and Delhi its soul.

Mirza Ghalib may have been indulging in hyperbole when he
penned these famous lines, but there is no denying that Delhi is
a notch above the other great metropolises of India. What sets
it apart is the multitude of historic ruins that are almost everywhere. Every ruler down the ages wished to adorn his beloved Delhi, to leave
a mark that would last and so left behind a landscape studded with jewels from the past.

Neophyte New Delhi has been quick to discard most of them on the rubbish heap of history, choosing to validate a bare minimum with
a name, an identity and a place of visibility.

Where it was possible to make the law look the other way, many of these monuments were razed to the ground to make way for colonisation and development. Regarded as no more than inconvenient piles of rock, many have been pulled down, built upon, built around.

Invisible City: The Hidden Monuments of Delhi explores this other Delhióthe little-known, seldom-visited, largely unheard-of Delhi,
the Delhi that has been rendered almost invisible.

ISBN - 8189738143

Pages : 220
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