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  Good Governance: An Integral Approach

Good Governance: An Integral Approach

by S.L. Goel

  Price : Rs 2200.00
  Your Price : Rs 1650.00
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  Good governance is an essential ingredient for socio economic development of the country. The Government of India and State Governments come out with new ideas and approaches but these do not succeed when put to action because of lack of good governance. Good governance is of paramount importance in these times of far reaching changes. In this backdrop of major changes, we need to re-orient ourselves to deliver ways and means to promote good governance. No government of course can hope to survive without a strong and effective good governance not can an administrative system exist without the support of those it was established to serve. Hon`ble Shri T.N. Chaturvedi rightly says in his foreword to this book: "Good Governance is a Buzzword these days. But its conceptual background and operational implications are not fully understood. It is here that Dr. S.L. Goel`s is indeed a successful effort. His integral approach is meaningful. Good governance does not merely exhaust itself by dealing as to how excellence can be ensured within the sphere of governmental administration. It is all the more so when the role of the government is being redefined in the context of liberalization, privatization and globalization, which require that the initiatives and potential of all sections of society are allowed to fructify and maximise without let or hindrance." This book juxtaposes the issues of good governance which are vital and essential for our country. It is high time that we should not blame the colonial rule even after 60 years of independence. We are free to bring out changes in our system suited to our country to project good governance in theory and practice. It is hoped that this book would promote interest among academia, administrators, politicians, judicial offers, as the subject is of great importance and interdisciplinary in nature.
ISBN - 8184500011

Pages : 582
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