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  Investing Under Fire

Investing Under Fire

by Alan R. Ackerman

  Price : Rs 395.00
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  Winning Investment Strategies from the Masters for Bulls, Bears, and Bewildered Investors

The initial years of the 21st century have thrown up for investors a most complex cycle of uncertainty with the additional risks posed by terrorism and political turbulence added to normal market volatility.

In Investing Under Fire a most distinguished assembly of world`s leading investment managers review the issues contemporary investors need to consider for investment success. They offer invaluable topical and timeless lessons on controlling risk and selecting profitable investment opportunities:


James Awad on small-cap stocks

Vanguard Group founder John Bogle on mutual funds

American Express Financial Advisors` Craig Brimhall on wealth strategies

Value Line`s Jean Bernhard Buttner on equity research

Standard & Poor`s Hendrik Kranenburg and Sam Stovall on equity research

Money manager Louis Navellier on inefficiencies in the market

Oakmark Funds` Bill Nygren on the search for value

The Conference Board`s Randall Poe on business research

Morningstar`s Brian Portnoy on mutual fund investing

State Street Global Advisors` Ned Riley on contrarian thinking

Schaeffer`s Investment Research market maven Bernie Schaeffer
on technical and sentiment analysis.

ISBN-10: 8170945674 | ISBN-13: 9788170945672

Pages : 248
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