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  Odissi - The Dance Divine

Odissi - The Dance Divine

by Ranjana Gauhar With Dushyant Parasher

  Price : Rs 1500.00
  Your Price : Rs 1350.00
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  Odissi :Odissi, also called the ‘dance
of gods’, is the intrinsically
passionate style of dance that grew from the traditional temple dance.
It has charm, grace, lyricism and sensuousness. In the words of the noted Hungarian Indologist, Charles Fabri, it is ‘the most perfect Indian classical dance form’.

Odissi —The Dance Divine is a chronological survey of the form and style of the dance. The art form today known as Odissi is the descendent of the temple dance that evolved in the Jagannath Temple in Puri. Revered as one of the holiest places, the temple was the centre of culture, religion and artistic traditions. In the inner sanctum of this shrine was born the dance of the mahari or temple dancer, which became a tradition and finds expression in the Geeta Govinda that presents Odissi dance as a niti or lifestyle. The book explores the aesthetics of the dance, which is a living tradition till today. Besides that, it gives the readers a brief outline of the architects and contemporary gurus of the dance, and the eminent dancers who are in the forefront of the scenario.
ISBN : 8189738178

Pages : 144
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