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  Entrepreneurial Role od Development Banks in Backward Areas

Entrepreneurial Role Od Development Banks In Backward Areas

by Kalpana Singh

  Price : Rs 300.00
  Your Price : Rs 240.00
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  Finance is an important ingredient of industrial development. However, equally important are non-financial inputs like careful selection and formulation of projects, technical and managerial competence, resourceful entrepreneurship etc. With the growing needs and complexities of development financing, the promotional role of development banks has assumed special significance in addition to their role of purveyor of industrial finance. For over four decades, Industrial Finance Corporation of India (IFCI) has been working as a pioneer development bank in India. This book presents an incisive study of the quantum and qualitative content of IFCI role in channelisation of its financial assistance to industrial projects set up in backward areas and the various promotional activities undertaken as supportive measures, either individually or jointly with other financial institutions, to accelerate the process of industrialisation in the country. The study analyses the extent to which the distribution of IFCI financial assistance has been in accordance with the objective of balanced regional development and how far the benefits to be derived out of promotional efforts have proliferated for the development of backward areas. This study is a modest endeavour to suggest measures to enhance the efficacy of existing efforts and probe new dimensions in the promotional role of development banks to respond to the challenging task of development of backward areasISBN:8170224705

Pages : 247
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