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  Alternative Perspectives on Livelihood, Agriculture and Air Pollution

Alternative Perspectives On Livelihood, Agriculture And Air Pollution

by N. Mukherjee

  Price : Rs 750.00
  Your Price : Rs 600.00
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  This book, based on field research undertaken in the agriculture belts of Haryana and Uttar Pradesh, provides a synthesis picture of development, urbanization and pollution in India. Unlike previous studies, it presents the perspectives of the farmers themselves on the role of agriculture, the impact of air pollution on health, quality of life and the effectiveness of the existing support networks available to them.
Using field studies of direct relevance to development practitioners, agencies, NGOs, environmentalists, policy makers and researchers, it captures the views of the complete spectrum of social groups to provide the most comprehensive and balanced analysis of one of the key issues facing India today. The findings highlight the pivotal role agriculture plays in societal and cultural issues such as gender roles, health and food security as well as the traditional concepts of livelihood, employment and income. In featuring the impact of air pollution as an agricultural, economic and societal concern, this ground-breaking book will become one of the formative texts available in the field.
This book is the South Asian Edition. International Edition was published by Ashgate Publishing Ltd. Aldershot, U.K. ISBN:8170229863

Pages : 205
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