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  Introduction to Hydrology, 5th Edition,

Introduction To Hydrology, 5Th Edition,

by Viesman, Jr. And Lewis

  Price : Rs 495.00
  Your Price : Rs 420.75
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  For the fifth edition, Introduction to Hydrology has been significantly revamped and restructured offering the reader content that is focused and streamlined. Many postgraduate level subjects and topics that were considered to be more of a handbook variety have been eliminated, in keeping with the original philosophy of the book which was to focus on providing a scope of material that supports theory-to-practice learning experience for beginning students in hydrology. The sequencing of chapters is so designed as to lead students through the underlying principles of hydrology and then to introduce them to the world of applications.

Notable changes in this fifth edition include:

? The restructured and streamlined fifth edition consists of 13 chapters, whereas the fourth edition consisted of 27 chapters.

? The chapter on statistics has been moved to an early position in the book so as to introduce these techniques before they are applied to problems in later chapters.

? There are many new solved examples and homework problems.

? Web addresses useful for securing hydrologic data and relevant information to supplement the text have been added.ISBN-- 9788120333680

Pages : 624
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