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  Microprocessor 8085 and Its Interfacing 2nd edi..,

Microprocessor 8085 And Its Interfacing 2Nd Edi..,

by Mathur, Sunil

  Price : Rs 450.00
  Your Price : Rs 382.50
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  Primarily intended for the undergraduate students of electronics and communication engineering, computer engineering and information technology, this book offers an integrated treatment of both the hardware and software aspects of 8085 microprocessor. It is a comprehensive and thoroughly updated text that will enable the students to get well-acquainted with the subject.

The text is organized in four parts. Part I (Chapters 1–9) includes a review of the analog and digital signals and hardware and software related aspects of microprocessor 8085. Part II (Chapters 10 and 11) discusses memory and IO concepts, analog to digital and digital to analog converters and various address decoding techniques. Part III (Chapters 12–17) covers the programmable interfacing chips with extensive interfacing examples. Part IV (Chapters 18 and 19) presents a brief discussion on other 8-bit microprocessors along with 16, 32-bit examples.

In a nutshell, this book will provide the complete knowledge about the Intel’s 8085 microprocessor, its programming and concept of interfacing of memory, IO devices and programmable chips. Each topic has been supported with numerous examples which will help students to apply the concepts to other microprocessors in the courses at the advanced level.


Elaborate programming examples to develop the analytical intelligence of students

Solved examples of different types of typical interfacing problems to develop the practical skill of students

Illustrated timing diagrams for a better understanding of instructions

Assembly language programming to develop coding for different applications

Chapter-end exercises to reinforce the understanding of the subject.ISBN-- 9788120343900

Pages : 656
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