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  Explorations - A Course in Reading, Thinking and Communication Skills

Explorations - A Course In Reading, Thinking And Communication Skills

by Oranee Jansz

  Price : Rs 150.00
  Your Price : Rs 123.00
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  The book presents the learners of English with a unique blend of reading, speech and thinking activities that encourage them not only to read and speak in English, but also to think and write in the language.

Some of the salient features of the books are:
- Focus on development of accuracy and fluency in speech
- Focus on development of thinking skills
- Promotion of active involvement of learners in reading and responding to texts
- Extensive use of folk tales and biographical and historical sketches from South Asia to acquaint learners with teh personalities and the history of the subcontinent
- Use of authentic materials to make reading and thinking activities meaningful, purposeful and enjoyable.ISBN-- 9788175961920

Pages : 140
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