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  Soa For the Business Developer: Concepts, BPEL, and Sca (Business Developers Series),

Soa For The Business Developer: Concepts, Bpel, And Sca (Business Developers Series),

by Margolis

  Price : Rs 350.00
  Your Price : Rs 297.50
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  Service-Oriented Architecture (SOA) is a way of organizing software. If your company`s development projects adhere to the principles of SOA, the outcome will be an inventory of modular units called "services," which allow for a quick response to change. This book tells the SOA story in a simple, straightforward manner that will help you understand not only the buzzwords and benefits, but also the technologies that underlie SOA: XML, WSDL, SOAP, XPath, BPEL, SCA, and SDO. And through it all, the authors provide business examples and illustrations, giving a practical meaning to abstract ideas.

SOA for the Business Developer

Gives a detailed overview of Extensible Markup Language (XML), including namespaces and XML schema.

Describes Web Services Definition Language (WSDL) and SOAP, the standard SOA technologies.

Gives a clear tutorial on XML Path Language (XPath), a language for deriving data from transmitted messages and other sources. XPath is useful for working with a variety of other technologies, including several described in this book.

Gives comprehensive details on BPEL 2.0, a language that coordinates services and whose preceding version is already in numerous products. Our coverage is sufficient for most of your work with BPEL and includes a quick-reference guide.

Introduces Service Component Architecture (SCA), a proposed standard for composing and deploying applications. You`re sure to hear more of SCA, which is sponsored by 18 companies.

Introduces Service Data Objects (SDO), a proposed standard for representing data in a single way, even if the data comesfrom different types of data sources. SDO is likely to accompany SCA into the limelight. ISBN--- 9788184044072

Pages : 334
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