Looking to study up for the new J2EE 1.5 Sun Certified Web Component Developer (SCWCD) exam?
This book will get you way up to speed on the technology you`ll know it so well, in fact, that you can pass the brand new J2EE 1.5 exam. If that`s what you want to do, that is. Maybe you don`t care about the exam, but need to use servlets and JSPs in your next project. You`re working on a deadline. You`re over the legal limit for caffeine. You can`t waste your time with a book that makes sense only AFTER you`re an expert (or worse, one that puts you to sleep).
Learn how to write servlets and JSPs, what makes a web container tick (and what ticks it off), how to use JSP`s Expression Language (EL for short), and how to write deployment descriptors for your web applications. Master the c:out tag, and get a handle on exactly what`s changed since the older J2EE 1.4 exam. You don`t just pass the new J2EE 1.5 SCWCD exam, you`ll understand this stuff and put it to work immediately.
Head First Servlets and JSP doesn`t just give you a bunch of facts to memorize; it drives knowledge straight into your brain. You`ll interact with servlets and JSPs in ways that help you learn quickly and deeply. And when you`re through with the book, you can take a brand-new mock exam, created specifically to simulate the real test-taking experience.
About the Authors Bryan Basham is a Sun Certified Developer for Java 2 Platform and one of the key designers of the Sun Certified Web Component Developer exam. He is also a course developer for Sun Microsystems concentrating on Java technology and Object-Oriented design principles. Bryan has worked on a large range of Java courses, including Sun`s core Java programming course, the JDBC course, a J2EE overview seminar, the Servlet/JSP course, and the OO Analysis and Design course.
Kathy Sierra has been interested in learning theory since her days as a game developer (Virgin, MGM, Amblin`). More recently, she`s been a master trainer for Sun Microsystems, teaching Sun`s Java instructors how to teach the latest technologies to customers, and a lead developer of several Sun certification exams. Along with her partner Bert Bates, Kathy created the Head First series. She`s also the original founder of the Software Development/Jolt Productivity Award-winning javaranch.com, the largest (and friendliest) all-volunteer Java community.
Bert Bates is a 20-year software developer, a Java instructor, and a co-developer of Sun`s upcoming EJB exam (Sun Certified Business Component Developer). His background features a long stint in artificial intelligence, with clients like the Weather Channel, A&E Network, Rockwell, and Timken. ISBN-- 9788184044973
Pages : 928