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  Indian Medicinal Plants:  (Volume 1)

Indian Medicinal Plants: (Volume 1)

by P.K.Warrier,

  Price : Rs 2550.00
  Your Price : Rs 2167.50
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  Indian medicinal plants, based on a treatise prepared by S. Raghunatha iyer, a scholar of both Sanskrit and Ayurveda, aims to make an authoritative contribution to the field.the original work which drew upon classical texts and current research, as well as the oral medical knowledge of tribal groups has been updated byscholars associated with the Arya Vaidya Sala in kottakal, india. This unique compendium offers profiles of 500 key species with detailed taxonomic information. one of the leading features of this compilsation is the special technique iused in the illustrations, both colour and line, which aims to achieve authencity of texture, colour and form. The book also lists the distribution and popular nomenclature in English, sanskrit, hindi, malayalam and tamil. the main exists present properites and uses in a format which cites ancient verse texts and ethnbotanical sources. The rare work, in five volumes, whould be special interest to practitioners of aleternative medicine, students of Ayurveda, the research and industry associated with medical botany, pharmacologists, sociologists and medical herbalists. ISBN 9788173717024

Pages : 430
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