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  Just Spells

Just Spells

by Bhavana Sharma

  Price : Rs 501.58
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  The book covers different spells which can help attract boost compatibility ensure a sense of wellbeing resolve confilicts at home and even helps to become a people magnet as the popularity levels soar whether an individual needs to get the office propelled with positive chi or is hitting at having harmonious relations with his/her family or a loved one the book offers simple suggested solutions which include meditation in the "Aura" of some specifically colored candles and more!!! One of the largest collections of spells, Spells are easy to execute with speedy results, Written by an expert who had been guiding people through this art at for many year. Bhavana Sharma is an intuitive tarot card and stone reader with frofound interest in color therapy and crystal healing she has an immense knowledge of universal energies and the various ways to reawaken them as an individual she was always inclined towards the unknown and a workshop in occult studies in sydney helped her to take the plunge she has keen interest in the esoteric world of tarot and interpreting people`s life she has written for many publications and just spells is a gem amongst them. ISBN : 9788131902936

Pages : 228
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