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  Gitomber`s Little Gold Book Yes!n ! Attitute

Gitomber`S Little Gold Book Yes!N ! Attitute

by Gitomer

  Price : Rs 525.00
  Your Price : Rs 430.50
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  Every business winner has one thing in common: a YES! Attitude that`s powerful enough to help them achieve the impossible! When you`ve got a YES! Attitude, you assume everything will start with "YES!" ...and you`ll find a way to "YES!" even when the first, second, and third answer you hear is "NO!" You say you weren`t born with a YES! Attitude? No problem! Jeffrey Gitomer will give you all the tools you need to build one. As the world`s #1 expert in selling (and the author of the best-sellers Little Red Book of Selling and Little Red Book of Sales Answers.) Gitomer knows more about attitude than anyone. Now he`s brought those lessons together in a book you can read in one sitting... a book that`ll change your life! What makes this book unique? It`s not just "inspiration": it`s a complete, step-by-step, fully-integrated game plan for understanding and mastering your attitude. You`ll learn 7.5 specific things you can do to maintain your intensity, drive, and commitment... discover 20.5 "attitude gems" that capture the value of thousands of dollars of books and courses... learn how to overcome the 10.5 most dangerous "attitude busters.,." then learn how to maintain your YES! Attitude every day, for the rest of your life! Don`t just read this book once: study it, live it -- and win!.ISBN--- 9780131986473

Pages : 208
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