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  Rural Non- Agriculture Employment in India

Rural Non- Agriculture Employment In India

by R.R. Biradar

  Price : Rs 800.00
  Your Price : Rs 640.00
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  This book presents a critical analysis of the growth and determinants of the rural non-agricultural employment (RNAE) and its impact on poverty reduction and income inequality in rural India. It examines the dynamics of employment and unemployment in India, especially focusing on the growth of employment, changes in WPRs by gender, age groups and level of education, the quality of employment and unemployment situation. It also takes a close look at the trends and patterns of RNAE by gender, age groups, level of educational attainments and size of landholdings during the pre-reform and reform periods. The book will be of great use for researchers, policy makers and development practitioners.ISBN:8180696251

Pages : 342
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