Eric Foster-Johnson is a veteran programmer with extensive experience using Linux, Unix, and Windows and other operating systems. By day, he writes enterprise Java software for Object Partners, a Minnesota consulting firm. He has authored a number of Linux and Unix titles including Teach Yourself Linux, and Teach Yourself Unix.
John C. Welch and has over ten years of Mac experience in the trenches of the IT world. He packs the hall at Macworld Expo where he?s a regular speaker, sharing his experiences and knowledge on using Macs effectively in business and enterprise IT environments. John?s articles are frequently featured in MacTech Magazine, WorkingMac.com, and he is semi-regularly featured on The Mac Show conducting interviews with the geekier side of the Mac community. He?s recently been touring the country presenting seminars on Mac OS X administration to IT professionals from coast to coast.
ISBN-- 8126506016 / 9788126506019