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  Intelligence : Past, Present & Future

Intelligence : Past, Present & Future

by B. Raman

  Price : Rs 695.00
  Your Price : Rs 639.40
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  it takes the reader on a fascinating journey through the labyrinths of the shadowy world of intelligence, both military and economic/ industrial. The author clarifies the structure of the intelligence community and the analytical organisations of the principal nations of the world. Raman`s deep personal involvement and insight into the strategic and organisational ramifications of intelligence gatnering and interpretation by india`s neighbours like china and pakistan make particularly engrolssing reading. The author traces the development of the world intelligence community and also focuses the reader`s attention upon the perils of of modern cybertechnology -0 the big brother is watching syndrome, of which, many of us are only barely aware. As an interesting sidelight, a number of little known aspects of pakistan`s opium economy and ISI`s stranghold in both pakistan and afghanistan are revealed. This book is invaluable not merely for those engaged in intelligence gatherijng and dissemination but also for every student of current affairs and indeed everyone who wishes to remain abreast of the current international political and military scenario. 2002 ISBN 9788170622222 Hb pp 246

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