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  Third & Nine Gorkhas

Third & Nine Gorkhas

by Na

  Price : Rs 1495.00
  Your Price : Rs 1375.40
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  As this book goes to print the Gorkhas have completed about 187 years of uninterrupted military service in the indian Army - first under the East India Company, later under the british Crown and eventually, after 1947 in theArmy of Independent india. The story of the Gorkha Rifles is the stuff that legends are made of - a story of guts and glory , of valiant deeds and gallant actions. A story also of discipline and dedication, of unswerving loyalty and lasting bonds; a saga tht goes well beyond the mere call of duty. For recuits that are drawn from various assorted villages and hamlets, nothing signifies " home" as much as their training centre, their Alma mater in the true sense, where they graduate from rustic boys iunto valiant men of steel. Varanasi, probably the oldest living city, in the world and a hub of hoary traditions, is also the location of the 39 gorkha training centre. just as the Rivers varana and asi meet here to lend their name to varanasi, the spiritual centre for millions of indians, soo do the 3rd Gorkha Riles and 9th Gorkha Rifles, two of india`s most famour infantry regiments, come together at 39 GTC, their joint home. This coffee-table bok tries to bring out the very essence, the raison-de-etre of these two regiments, their proud traditions and claim to fame, as well as to illustrate the process of metamorphosis that the raw recruits of kanchas undergo at the centre before they evolve into what are arguably the world`s best fighting soldiers. 2002 ISBN 81 7062 290 5 Hb pp 128 Illustrated 300 Colour & B/W photographs.

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