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  Analysis And Design Of Information Systems, 2nd Ed.

Analysis And Design Of Information Systems, 2Nd Ed.

by Rajaraman

  Price : Rs 175.00
  Your Price : Rs 148.75
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  One of the most important uses of computers is (as an aid to managers) to provide up-to-date information to efficiently run their organizations. Of the total number of computers installed in the world today, over 80% are used in organizations for management information systems. It is thus very important for all students of Computer Science to know how to design computer-based information systems to aid management. This introductory text gives a lucid, self-contained presentation to students on how to analyse and design information systems for use by managers.

Information Systems Analysis and Design (also known as Systems Analysis and Design) is a compulsory subject for MCA, and B.E. students of Computer Science and Information Technology. This book covers the syllabus of this course and that of the DOEACC (Level A) examination.

Thoroughly classroom tested and evolved out of twenty years of teaching Information Systems Design course at IIT Kanpur and IISc, Bangalore, this book presents real Indian examples.

In this second edition every chapter has been updated besides the addition of two new chapters-on Object-Oriented Modelling and on e-Commerce-to reflect the rapid changes taking place in designing information systems.

This book is accompanied by a separate supplementary book, Self-Study Guide to the Analysis and Design of Information Systems. This guide has the solutions to all the exercises and a set of objective questions with answers. Besides this, it has a CD-ROM that contains PowerPoint slides for each chapter, objective questions for each section with explanations for each incorrect choice given by a student, and a case study with code. An interesting new feature introduced in this CD-ROM is to allow the students to ask questions. An "intelligent system" has been developed, which attempts to answer the doubts of students.isbn : 9788120317277

Pages : 304
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