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  The Sing and the Stone: On War in the 21st Century

The Sing And The Stone: On War In The 21St Century

by Colonel Thomas X. Hammes, Usmc

  Price : Rs 695.00
  Your Price : Rs 542.10
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  David`s Sling and stone fight against Goliath isn`t that fron Iraqi insurgents fighting against caolition forces. While the Department of Defense(DOD) continues to build a high-tech american military to win wars against other, albeit second -tier, goliaths insurgents have adopted and are practicing sling-and -stone, low-tech, fourth generation warfare(4GW). These 4GW warrirs rely on networks of people over networks of state-of-the -art, high-tech weapons. Colonel Thomas X. Hammes, USMC, explores the evolution and current practice of 4GW. "DOD`s focus on high-tech drives its doctrine organization,training, and education to teach people to takeadvantage of technololgy---not to think about, fight, and win wars," says Hammes. just as the worls has evolved from on industrial society to an information based society, so has warfare. Information collection aainst today`s threats requires a greater investment in human skills. Technology by itself is not the answer. The U.S. defence establishment`s failure to address the importance of human knowledge over that of technology leaves us unprepared to deal with the Kind of was we are fighting today and those we are most likely to face in future----fourth generation wars. ISBN : 8170492823

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