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  Object-Oriented Programming with Visual Basic .NET

Object-Oriented Programming With Visual Basic .Net

by Hamilton

  Price : Rs 225.00
  Your Price : Rs 191.25
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  One of the most significant features of Visual Basic .NET is the full support of object-oriented programming. For years, developers have been asking for it, but you may not be quite sure how it can help to create and maintain scalable .NET applications. VB.NET is a language that facilitates object-oriented programming, but does not guarantee good object-oriented code. That`s where Object-Oriented Programming with Visual Basic .NET comes in. It will show you how to think about similarities in your application logic and how to design and create objects that maximize the benefit and power the .NET Framework enables.

The concept of separating the interface from the implementation has been around for years, but with Object-Oriented Programming with Visual Basic .NET you`ll put it all into practice and you`ll never willingly go back to those old ways. With chapters on object fundamentals and class anatomy, you`ll lay a foundation that will prepare you to think and apply code reuse principles. Following that, you`ll be ready to dive deep into code and the dynamic ecology that it interacts with. Inheritance, containment, polymorphism, overloading, and overriding are just the beginning of this adventure. From there, you`ll discover exception handling, reflection, serialization, and I/O.

Packed with examples that will guide you through every step, Object-Oriented Programming with Visual Basic .NET is a guide for those with some programming experience. This book is for those who know Visual Basic 6.0 and are ready or have started the process of developing with Visual Basic .NET. It is an essential tool that will build your skills, as you become a master of Visual Basic .NET.

It is one thing to know how to write object-oriented code. Knowing the when and the why is what makes good programmers. That`s exactly what you`ll know after reading this book.
ISBN : 9788173665615

Pages : 306
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