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  Computational Structural Mechanics (with CD-ROM)

Computational Structural Mechanics (With Cd-Rom)

by Rajasekaran & Sankarasubramanian

  Price : Rs 1495.00
  Your Price : Rs 1270.75
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  This class-room tested book, representing the teaching experience of over two decades by the authors, is designed to cater to the needs of senior undergraduate and first-year postgraduate students of civil engineering for a course in Advanced Structural Analysis/Matrix Methods of Structural Analysis/Computer Methods of Structural Analysis.

The book endeavours to fulfil two principal objectives. First, it acquaints students with the matrix methods of structural analysis and their underlying concepts and principles. Second, it demonstrates the development of well-structured computer programs for the analysis of structures by the matrix methods.

After a thorough presentation of the mathematical tools and theory required for linear elastic analysis of structural systems, the text focuses on the flexibility and stiffness methods of analysis for computer usage. The direct stiffness method which forms the backbone of most computer programs is also discussed. Besides, the physical behaviour of structures is analyzed throughout with the help of axial thrust, shear force, bending moment and deflected shape diagrams.

A large number of worked-out examples are included to amplify the concepts and to illustrate the effect of external loads, including the effect of temperature, lack of fit, and settlement of supports, etc. The CD-ROM contains many illustrative computer programs and the usage of modern packages such as Excel and Matlab.

The book will also be a useful reference for practising structural engineers who wish to pursue the versatility of matrix methods as a tool for computer applications.ISBN 9788120317345

Pages : 796
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