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A Textbook Of Electrical Technology

by B.L.Theraja & A.K. Theraja, S.G. Tarnekar, M.K. Khedkar, R.S. Sedha

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  ISBN : 8121924413H.B. * Vol. I Electric Current and Ohm`s Law * D.C. Network Theorems * Work, Power and Energy * Electrostatics * Capacitance * Magnetism and Electromagnetism * Electromagnetic Induction * Magnetic Hysteresis * Electronical power sources * Electrical Instruments and Measurements * A.C. Fundamentals * Complex Numbers * Series A.C. Circuits * Parallell A.C. Circuits * A.C. Network Analysis * Bridges * A.c. Filter Network * Circle Diagrams * Polyphase Circuits * Harmonics * Introduction to Electrical Energy Grneration * Vol II : * Elements of Electro mechanical Energy Conversion * D.C. Generators * Armature Reaction and Commutation * Genetator Characteristics * D.C. Motoar * Speed Control of D.C. Motors * Testing of D.C. Machines * Transformer * Transformer -Three phase * Induction Motors * Alternators * Synchronolus Motors * Specia; Machines * Vol III: D.C. Transmission and Distribution * A.C. Transmission * Disttriemtion Electric Traction * Industrial Applications of Electric Motors * Distribution Automation * Electronic Control of AC Motors * Electric Heating * Electronic Control of AC Motors * Electric Heating * Rating and Service Capacity * E lectric Welding * Lllumination * Tariffs and Economic Considerations * Semiconductor Physics * P.N. Junction Diode * Opto Electronic Device * Special Diodes * Vol IV : * Semiconductor Physics * P-N Junction Diode * Optoelectronic Devices * Special Diodes * D.C. Power Supplies * Regulated Power Supply * Bipolar Junction Transistor * Load Lines and DC Biased Circuits * Transistor E quivalent Circuit and Models * Single-Stage Transistor Amplifiers * Multistage and Feedback Amplifiers * Feedback Amplifier * Field Effect Transistors * Breakdkown Devices * Sinusoidal and Non-sinusoidal Oscillators * Modulation and Demodulation * Integrated Circuits * OP-AMP and its Applications * Number Systems and Codes * Logic Gates * Boolean Algebra & Logic Families * Electronic Instruments

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