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Constitutional Development And National Movement Of India

by R.C. Aggarwal

  Price : Rs 485.00
  Your Price : Rs 426.80
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  Part I : Constitutional Development of India - Regulating Acti Pitts india Act and the Charter Act of 1813 * Constitutional Development upto 1853 A.D. * Part II National Movement * 6 March of british Imperialism * Disastrous Effects of British mImprealism * First Rrmed Struggle for Frredom 1857 and Act of 1858 Act of 1861 A.D. * Rise of Nationalism and Birth of Congress * Act of 1892 Moderate and Extremist Programme of Congress Rev Iutionary Movement in India and abroad * Rise and Growth of Communalism * Morley * Minto Reforms * The Impact of the First Great War and The Home Rule Movement * Goverment of India At, 1919 * Nature and Workig of Dyarc in the provinces * NOn-Co-operation Movement and Swaraj Party * Civil Disobedience Movement * Socialist and Communist Trends in National Movement * Central Government * Provincial Governments * Working of the Provincial Autonomy * Quit India Movement and Dawn of Independence over Imperialism Imperialists Quit Pakistan * Some Prominent Leaders of Fredom Struggle * Heroic Struggle foe Freedom in Assam * Part III : Modern Indian constitution * framing of the Constitution: its Basic objectives and Philosophy * Source of the constitution * Salient Feat;ures of India New constitution * Nature of the Federal System * Fundamental Rights and Duties * Directive Principoles of State Policy * The Union Executive and Legislature * Relations between the Union and the States * Zonal councils * The Judiciary and Judicial Review * Administration of Delhi and Other Union Territories * Social Justice and Weaker Sections * Amendments of Indian constitution * The comptroller and Auditor General and Attorney General of India * India Administration and Some Miscellaneous Topics * Pressure groups (Anonymous empire ) * Appendices * Index * ISBN : 8121905656

Pages : 704
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