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  Industrial Relations

Industrial Relations

by C.S. Venkata Ratnam

  Price : Rs 575.00
  Your Price : Rs 517.50
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  Industrial Relations is a comprehensive textbook specially designed to meet the needs of management students. The book explores core concepts of industrial relations through mangerial a pplications and supplements them with detailed case studies. It provides an in-depth coverage of the four key components of industrial relations: the conceptual foundations, the institutional structure and policy framework, the role of government, and industrial relations in unionized organizations. Among the Important topics covered are: the labour force in India, the approaches to industrial in a relation comparative framework, management and employers` associations, trade unions and their structures, collective bargaining, and tripartism and social dialogue. Also discussed are the role of government in industrial relations, working conditions and industrial safety, dispute resolution and industrial harmony, social security, grievance and discipline handling, and the impact of international labour standards on labour policy. Users would find this book highly useful for its application-oriented approach to industrial relations, explained through illustrative examples, relevant case studies, tables, and illustrations. Contents: Economy and the Labour Force in India Approaches to Industrial Relations Industrial Relations in a Comparative Framework. Management and employers` organizations trade unions- Theoretical foundations and legal framework Trade union structures. Management of trade unions in India Collective baargaining Tripartism and social dialogue The role of government in industrial relations The contract of Employment Public Policy and wage and reward systems working conditions, safety, health, and environment. Dispute resolution and industrial harmony labour administration social security. Issues in labour policy and labour law reform. Employee participation and labour-Management cooperation. Grievances and Disciplin Handling. Employment security and Management of Redundancies. Technological change and industrial relations management of industrial relations. Human resource management and industrial relations. Labour statistics, labour research, and worker education. ILO, India, and international labour standards. ISBN 9780195671087

Pages : 796
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