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  Digital Logic And Computer Organization

Digital Logic And Computer Organization

by Rajaraman & Radhakrishnan

  Price : Rs 425.00
  Your Price : Rs 361.25
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  This introductory text on ‘digital logic and computer organization’ presents a logical treatment of all the fundamental concepts necessary to understand the organization and design of a computer. It is designed to cover the requirements of a first-course in computer organization for undergraduate Computer Science, Electronics, or MCA students. Beginning from first principles, the text guides students through to a stage where they are able to design and build a small computer with available IC chips.

Starting with the foundation material on data representation, computer arithmetic and combinatorial and sequential circuit design, the text explains ALU design and includes a discussion on an ALU IC chip. It also discusses Algorithmic State Machine and its representation using a Hardware Description Language before shifting to computer organization.

The evolutionary development of a small hypothetical computer is described illustrating hardware-software trade-off in computer organization. Its instruction set is designed giving reasons why each new instruction is introduced. This is followed by a description of the general features of a CPU, organization of main memory and I/O systems. The book concludes with a chapter describing the features of a real computer, namely the Intel Pentium. An appendix describes a number of laboratory experiments which can be put together by students, culminating in the design of a toy computer.

Key Features

• Self-contained presentation of digital logic and computer organization with minimal pre-requisites

• Large number of examples provided throughout the book

• Each chapter begins with learning goals and ends with a summary to aid self-study by students.ISBN 9788120329799

Pages : 528
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