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  The Yoga Cookbook: Vegetarian Food for Body and Mind Recipes from the Sivananda Yoga Vedanta Centres

The Yoga Cookbook: Vegetarian Food For Body And Mind Recipes From The Sivananda Yoga Vedanta Centres

by Na

  Price : Rs 2000.00
  Your Price : Rs 2000.00
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  The physical body is seen as an instrument, of vehicle, for the soul on its journey towards perfection. Just like other vehicles, this body has specific requirements which must be fulfilled for it to function smoothly and supply the optimum mileage. Proper diet is one of the requirements of the five basic yogic principles. This first international illustrated cookbook throughout with specially commissioned photographs is concerned with the basic tenets of a ‘proper’ yogic diet, traditionally a lacto-vegetarian one, consisting of grains, pulses, fruits, vegetables, nuts, seeds and dairy products. As well as being simple, natural and wholesome, this diet takes into account the subtle effect that food has on the mind and the prana. Attractive and simple to use, The Yoga Cookbook is the classic guide to a healthy, healing diet. The teachings of Yoga advocate a vegetarian diet with special emphasis on foods that bring peace to the body, the mind and the spirit. This book makes this health giving yogic diet available to everyone. The easy to follow recipes use pure, wholesome foods that increase vitality, energy, health and joy. The book offers advice on the basic ingredients and suggests ways of food combining – what to eat together, and what to keep apart. ISBN: 8178220482

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