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  The Writing on The Wall: India Checkmates America 2017

The Writing On The Wall: India Checkmates America 2017

by S. Padmanabhan

  Price : Rs 595.00
  Your Price : Rs 464.10
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  This is a book about how India prepared to meet aggression against her by any developed country including the U.S.A. The propensity of the U.S.A. to act unilaterally against other countries in disregard of the United Nations was clearly demonstrated in the Iraq War, 2003. It indicated to India that she too could face military action by the U.S.A., under certain circumstances. Such a circumstance, a casus belli, was provided by Pakistan in 2017. A short, sharp war ensued between India and Pakistan. India won a resounding victory. The U.S.A., which had intervened in the war on the side of her ally Pakistan, found herself checkmated by a completely transformed and resilient India. This book is in three parts. The first part covers the 15 years from 1989 to 2003, and deals selectively with how the policy of ‘Pre-emptive Intervention’ evolved and how Iraq became its hapless victim. The second part covers the next 15 years from 2003-2017. It is set generally in a South Asian context with the U.S.A. a ‘lodger’ in Pakistan, playing a major role. India has been portrayed as a rapidly developing country having settled its border disputes with China in a spirit of mutual accommodation. A four-sided Treaty of Peace, Friendship and Co-operation was signed by India, china, Russia and Vietnam in 2015. The U.S.A. was totally unhappy with the formation of this powerful grouping and sought an opportunity to degrade the new formation. Such an opportunity arises in 2017, thanks to the J&K problem. A ‘collision’ occurs between the U.S.A. and India with Pakistan also on the scene. The third part deals with the 60 hours the conflict lasted and its surprising conclusion Peace is fully restored after meetings of the Security Council and various peace makers. The author concludes by making a strong case for strengthening the United Nations and endowing it with the wherewithal to make its writ to run. Failure to do this and more, the author apprehends, will impose on the nations of the world, a ‘Pax Americana’ which will have as unfelicitous an end as ‘Pax Romana’ or ‘Pax Britannia’.

Pages : 300
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